An end to end remote monitoring and data analysis solution

Enviroscan is a tailored UX and API surface for connecting and managing your assets at scale, delivering reliable data for business insights. Store all your data and visualise your data in custom dashboarding and data analysis trending engine. Define rules to trigger business flows, send data to other services using data export, and programmatically access Enviroscan using its public REST API.

Data Visualisations

Visualisations and analysis to make sense of your asset data, from the big picture to minute details.

AI machine learning and nuaral networks

Our edge nodes incorporate AI sensing technology and use TensorFlow Lite trained models to asses images, video feeds and data. We can tailor our nodes to suit your monitoring need be it analogue gauge OCR through to behaviour predictions based on historical data. We will develop and train AI model to improve your business.


Extensibility to bridge applications and IoT data, turning insights into action.

Real-time insights

Provide real-time insights to make strategic decisions and improve efficiency. Edge-to-cloud architecture with AI can give you real-time intelligence. An intelligent edge environment may just give you the competitive advantage you seek.

View the big picture, analyse every small detail.

Get a real-time read on the health of your devices with customizable Dashboards. Drill into device telemetry using queries in Data Explorer.

  • Hardware

    Our hardware includes a wide range of devices such as devices for routing, bridges, sensors etc. These devices manage key tasks and functions such as data acquisition , security, action specifications, communication, and detection of support-specific goals and actions. Our Hardware components can vary from low-power boards; single-board processors like the ESP32 which are basically smaller boards that are plugged into mainboards to improve and increase its functionality by bringing out specific functions or features (such as GPS, light and heat sensors, RS232 serial communication, or interactive displays).

  • Software

    We have three programming facets to our system, the acquisition, processing data on the edge, the dashboarding interface programming and finally the data storage and REST API interface. We write bespoke firmware for our edge devices which allows us to make improvements and changes on the fly to cater to our customer’s needs.

  • Security

    We have an end to end encrypted system, all node data is encrypted and measures have been put in place to safe guard our clients data. We using a two-key asymmetric cryptosystem, PKI is able to facilitate the encryption and decryption of private messages and interactions using digital certificates. We protecting our network by ensuring port security, disabling port forwarding and never opening ports when not needed; using antimalware, firewalls and intrusion detection systems/intrusion prevention systems; blocking unauthorized IP (Internet Protocol) addresses; and ensuring systems are patched and up to date.

  • Legacy Instrumentation and Systems

    Our edge nodes are able to communicate with any communication protocol to retrieve data from existing systems and integrate them into a centralised monitoring infrastructure. We provide a digital twin of the instruments or system and can incorporate additional sensors to allow for continuous condition monitoring and data acquisition.

  • Communication Technollogy

    We use various communication technologies to achieve the goals of our clients. For remote long range comms in areas with limitations we use LORAWAN autonomous gateways and nodes. Where possible we use existing communication infrastructure and encrypt data transmission.

  • Data Storage and API Access

    Our data is stored in a cloud base SQL database and we have provided an encrypted REST API to access the data for the integration of 3rd party systems.

Our Story

We have provided real-time solutions for companies and institutions in the marine industry, health sector, processing plants and meteorological stations. Please click here to view more.